Loveless Coffee

Loveless Coffee

Coffee Loveless Coffee United States Kiunyu Factory Wildflowers Berries Peach Raisin Watermelon Cranberry Lime Black Tea

This coffee truly takes you on a journey, first you are greeted by a bouquet of wildflowers and a forest of berries, then you are taken on a trip through peaches, and raisins towards a refreshing splash of watermelon and cranberry as the coffee cools. The journey ends with feeling like sipping on a cup of black tea with lime acidity.

The coffee was roasted by Loveless Coffee, a esteemed roaster from the US.

Loveless the name is a homage to the iconic album Loveless by My Bloody Valentine and a japanese RPG, which is reflected in the tasting notes.

It’s a classic washed Kenyan coffee from the Kiunyu Factory in Kirinyaga, boasting classic flavors and a rich heritage.

If you would like to try similar experiences, you should try The Coffeevine.

© 2024 Olle Korkmaz Zillén