Rise Coffee

Rise Coffee

Coffee Rise Coffee Thailand Natural Anaerobic Fermentation Natural Amarone

This was strange meeting, with tones of pineapple, Sangria, forest honey and raisins. It is not what you usually find in a brew, yet so dynamic. The coffee was roasted by Rise Coffee, a roaster from Bangkok, Thailand. They are known for their avantgarde approach to coffee roasting and sourcing. The “Natural Amarone” taste is created by using naturally cultivated local microorganisms to ferment the coffee cherries, this process is called “Natural Anaerobic Fermentation” and is a very rare and unique way of processing coffee.

I still don’t know what to think about this coffee, but it was definitely an interesting experience. If you would like to try similar experiences, you should try The Coffeevine.

© 2024 Olle Korkmaz Zillén