Sanctuary Coffee

Sanctuary Coffee

Coffee Sanctuary Coffee United Kingdom Mazatecos Animal Rescues Caramel Lime Red Apple

The coffee was roasted by Sanctuary Coffee, a roaster from the United Kingdom. Sanctuaries serve not only as safe havens for animals rescued from abusive owners or those unable to care for them, but also as vital spaces for neurodivergent individuals, the elderly, and people with disabilities. These sanctuaries provide a sense of community and comfort that many people otherwise lack.

Marcus and Rhian, from Sanctuary Coffee, have discovered a unique way to give back by blending their passion for specialty coffee with their mission to support various sanctuaries across the UK. For them, it all begins with the coffee. They carefully source their beans through green coffee traders who take a hyper-local approach, deeply knowing their partners to ensure maximum impact. To emphasize this commitment, Sanctuary publishes a full transparency report on its website, detailing exactly who gets paid and how much.

Although Mexico is a major coffee producer, this washed lot from Tejao - a fully female-run cooperative in Oaxaca - stands out as particularly exciting. In the cup, this coffee delivers crisp sweetness and clarity with a fresh, apple-like flavor. Mexico is traditionally a patriarchal society with few female coffee growers, but this lot is helping to empower female producers in the Mazateca mountains, with women also leading the export efforts. It’s a great coffee that supports a great cause.

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